Friday, October 4, 2013

Cognitive Deficits In Friedreich Ataxia Correlate with Micro-structural Changes in Dentatorubral Tract

Cognitive Deficits In Friedreich Ataxia Correlate with Micro-structural Changes in Dentatorubral Tract. Akhlaghi H, Yu J, Corben L, Georgiou-Karistianis N, Bradshaw JL, Storey E, Delatycki MB, Egan GF; Cerebellum (London, England) : 2013 Oct 2 pg. DOI 10.1007/s12311-013-0525-4

Keywords: Friedreich's ataxia, Dentato-rubral tract, Dentato-thalamic tract, Dentate nucleus, Diffusion MRI