Thursday, September 5, 2019

Newly Funded FARA Grants, July 2019

Newly Funded FARA Grants, July 2019

FARA's most recent grant round was of very high quality, and included some very innovative research. After much work by the applicants, reviewers and Scientific Review Committee, the following grants will be funded:

Benoit D’Autreaux, Paris-Saclay University: “Cell-free high throughput screening assays for the discovery of compounds replacing frataxin in FA”

Hélène Puccio, the Institut de Génétique et de Biologie Moléculaire et Cellulaire: “Characterization of new humanized mouse model (TG(FXN)YG8Pook/800J) carrying 650-800 GAA repeats”

Mirella Dottori, University of Wollongong: “Nanoparticle-mediated gene delivery of frataxin to neurons”

Massimo Pandolfo, Université Libre de Bruxelles (ULB), Hôpital Erasme:“Induced pluripotent stem cells-derived neurons for translational research in Friedreich ataxia"