Metodo Stamina: il Tribunale dice no alla ricusazione dei giudici di Firenze. La Nazione, Firenze, Firenze, 22 luglio 2013
Stem Cells for the FA: The Court says no to the rejection of judges in Florence.
It was rejected the application for disqualification of judges filed by the parents of a 12 years old girl who suffer from a Friedreich Ataxia, the Florence court authority deny to access at "compassionate use" with the method of stem cells.
Questa volta però il lieto fine ancora non c'è, in quanto è stata respinta la richiesta di ricusazione dei giudici presentata dai genitori di una ragazzina di 12 anni affetta da una malattia degenerativa - Atassia di Friedreich - alla quale il tribunale di Firenze ha negato l'autorizzazione ad accedere alle cure compassionevoli con metodo Stamina.
Friedreich Ataxia and close related scientific news. Topics related to rare diseases.
Tuesday, July 23, 2013
Ocular-Motor Profile and Effects of Memantine in a Familial Form of Adult Cerebellar Ataxia with Slow Saccades and Square Wave Saccadic Intrusions
Ocular-Motor Profile and Effects of Memantine in a Familial Form of Adult Cerebellar Ataxia with Slow Saccades and Square Wave Saccadic Intrusions. Rosini F, Federighi P, Pretegiani E, Piu P, Leigh RJ, Alessandro Serra, Antonio Federico, Alessandra Rufa (2013). PLoS ONE 8(7): e69522. doi:10.1371/journal.pone.0069522
Thus, our report suggests that memantine may have some general suppressive effect on saccadic intrusions, including both SWI and MSO, thereby restoring the capacity of reading and visual attention in these and in other recessive forms of ataxia, including Friedreich’s, in which saccadic intrusions are prominent.
Thus, our report suggests that memantine may have some general suppressive effect on saccadic intrusions, including both SWI and MSO, thereby restoring the capacity of reading and visual attention in these and in other recessive forms of ataxia, including Friedreich’s, in which saccadic intrusions are prominent.