Christina N Kontoghiorghe and George J Kontoghiorghes, World J Methodol. 2016 March 26; 6(1): 1–19. Published online 2016 March 26. doi: 10.5662/wjm.v6.i1.1
"Similar issues in relation to chelating drug development were raised with the journal Annals of Neurology regarding the use of (Ferriprox) in Friedreich ataxia patients where the lack of crucial diagnostic and therapeutic outcome procedures in relation to focal iron levels and lack of iron balance studies were questioned. The need for personalised medicine was also raised since there is wide variation in the severity of the disease and level of focal iron deposits in the heart and brain of Friedreich ataxia patients. In this case the editors of the journal referred to “expensive studies to track iron scores” and “the company developing the drug spends millions of dollars”. It should be noted that the original proposal for the use of (Ferriprox) in Friedreich ataxia patients was suggested many years ago and was developed following academic initiatives.
The introduction of Deferiprone (Ferriprox) for the treatment of non iron loaded patients by targeting focal toxic iron deposits, e.g., in Friedreich ataxia and toxic labile iron, e.g., in diabetic and non-diabetic glomerular disease is a reflection of the antioxidant and safety potential of this drug. The safety of (Ferriprox) in many categories of non iron loaded diseases has also been confirmed in clinical trials involving patients with the anaemia of chronic disease, renal dialysis, infections, Parkinson’s and other neurodegenerative diseases, etc. As in many other cases of drug development the introduction prospects of Ferriprox in these diseases is based on commercial and not ethical criteria.