Kevin C Kemp MSc, PhD, Nadia Cerminara BSc, PhD, Kelly Hares BSc, PhD, Juliana Redondo BSc, PhD, Amelia J Cook, Harry R Haynes BSc, MBChB, Bronwen R Burton BSc, PhD, Mark Pook BSc, PhD, Richard Apps PhD, Neil J Scolding FRCP, PhD and Alastair Wilkins FRCP, PhD; Annals of Neurology, Accepted Article DOI: 10.1002/ana.24846
Cytokine administration resulted in significant reversal of biochemical, neuropathological, neurophysiological and behavioural deficits associated with Friedreich's ataxia. These experiments show that cytokines already clinically used in other conditions offer the prospect of a novel, rapidly translatable, disease-modifying and neuroprotective treatment for Friedreich's ataxia.