Xiulong Shen, Sharon Beasley, Jennifer Putnam, Yanjie Li, Thahza Prakash, Frank Rigo, Marek Napierala, and David Corey. RNA rna.071290.119 Published in Advance May 31, 2019, doi:10.1261/rna.071290.119
We have previously shown that synthetic nucleic acids can activate FXN expression in human patient-derived fibroblast cells. We chose to further test these compounds in induced pluripotent stem cell-derived neuronal progenitor cells (iPSC-NPCs). Here we describe methods to deliver oligonucleotides and duplex RNAs into iPSC-NPC’s cells using electroporation. Activation of FXN expression is potent, easily reproducible, and potencies parallel those determined using patient-derived fibroblast cells. A duplex RNA and several antisense oligonucleotides with different combinations of 2’-methoxylethyl (2’-MOE), 2’-fluoro (2’-F), and constrained ethyl (cEt) were active, providing multiple starting points for further development and highlighting improved potency as an important goal for preclinical development. Our data support the conclusion that ASO-mediated activation of FXN is a feasible approach for treating FRDA and that electroporation is a robust method for introducing ASOs to modulate gene expressions in neuronal cells.