Xun Ji, Omar M Khdour & Sidney M Hecht; FUTURE MEDICINAL CHEMISTRYVOL. 11, NO. 13; Published Online:30 Aug 2019 doi:10.4155/fmc-2018-0481
Mitochondrial dysfunction is associated with a wide range of human diseases, including neurodegenerative diseases, and is believed to cause or contribute to the etiology of these diseases. These disorders are frequently associated with increased levels of reactive oxygen species. One of the design strategies for therapeutic intervention involves the development of novel small molecules containing redox cores, which can scavenge reactive oxygen radicals and selectively block oxidative damage to the mitochondria. Presently, we describe recent research dealing with multifunctional radical quenchers as antioxidants able to scavenge reactive oxygen radicals. The review encompasses ubiquinone and tocopherol analogs, as well as novel pyri(mi)dinol derivatives, and their ability to function as protective agents in cellular models of mitochondrial diseases.