We searched PubMed, Web of Science, and Science Direct Scopus for relevant peer-reviewed articles published from 1 January 2016 onwards. A total of 28 preclinical studies fulfilled the eligibility criteria for inclusion in this systematic review. We first evaluated the altered cellular processes, abnormal signaling cascades, and disrupted protein quality control underlying the pathogenesis of ARCA. We then examined the current potential therapeutic strategies for ARCAs, including aromatic, organic and pharmacological compounds, gene therapy, natural products, and nanotechnology, as well as their associated antioxidant pathways and modes of action. We then discussed their potential as antioxidant therapeutics for ARCAs, with the long-term view toward their possible translation to clinical practice. In conclusion, our current understanding is that these antioxidant therapies show promise in improving or halting the progression of ARCAs. Tailoring the therapies to specific disease stages could greatly facilitate the management of ARCAs.