Susan Stein, Elizabeth Bogard, Nicole Boice, Vivian Fernandez, Tessa Field, Alan Gilstrap, Susan R. Kahn, Jane Larkindale and Toni Mathieson; Orphanet Journal of Rare Diseases 201813:18 doi:10.1186/s13023-018-0761-2
Rare diseases are a global public health concern, affecting an estimated 350 million individuals. Only 5% of approximately 7000 known rare diseases have a treatment, and only about half have a patient advocacy organization. Biopharmaceutical companies face complex challenges in developing treatments for rare diseases. Patient advocacy organizations may play a major role by positively influencing research and development, clinical trials, and regulations. Thus, collaboration among patient advocacy organizations and industry is essential to bring new therapeutics to patients.
Principles for interactions with biopharmaceutical companies: the development of guidelines for patient advocacy organizations in the field of rare diseases