Lynch, D.R., Goldsberry, A., Rummey, C., Farmer, J., Boesch, S., Delatycki, M.B., Giunti, P., Hoyle, J.C., Mariotti, C., Mathews, K.D., Nachbauer, W., Perlman, S., Subramony, S.H., Wilmot, G., Zesiewicz, T., Weissfeld, L. and Meyer, C. (2023), Propensity matched comparison of omaveloxolone treatment to Friedreich ataxia natural history data. Ann Clin Transl Neurol. doi:10.1002/acn3.51897
These results suggest a meaningful slowing of Friedreich ataxia progression with omaveloxolone, and consequently detail how propensity-matched analysis may contribute to understanding of effects of therapeutic agents. This demonstrates the direct value of natural history studies in clinical trial evaluations.