Conclusion: Diaphragm ultrasound may reveal respiratory dysfunction better than PFT. Diaphragm excursion and TF are associated with disease scores in individuals with FDRA. Further studies are needed regarding the detection of alveolar hypoventilation.
Friedreich Ataxia and close related scientific news. Topics related to rare diseases.
Tuesday, November 7, 2023
Evaluation of diaphragm functions with diaphragm ultrasound and Evaluation of diaphragm functions with diaphragm ultrasound and pulmonary function tests in individuals with Friedreich?s ataxia pulmonary function tests in individuals with Friedreich?s a
Yetkin, N. A., Yetkin, M. F., Baran Ketencioğlu, B., Oymak, F. S., Gülmez, İ., Yılmaz, İ., ... Tutar, N.(2023). Evaluation of diaphragm functions with diaphragm ultrasound and Evaluation of diaphragm functions with diaphragm ultrasound and pulmonary function tests in individuals with Friedreich?s ataxia pulmonary function tests in individuals with Friedreich?s a. TURKISH JOURNAL OF MEDICAL SCIENCES , vol.53, no.5, 1301-1311. Doi:10.55730/1300-0144.5696