Tuesday, December 1, 2009

Can rehabilitation help ataxia?

Neurology, Vol. 73, Issue 22, 1818-1819, December 1, 2009 , EDITORIALS
Susanne M. Morton and Amy J. Bastian

Intensive coordinative training improves motor performance in degenerative cerebellar disease

NEUROLOGY 2009;73:1823-1830

W. Ilg, PhD, M. Synofzik, MD, D. Brötz, S. Burkard, M. A. Giese, PhD and L. Schöls, MD

From the Departments of Cognitive Neurology (W.I., M.A.G.) and Neurodegeneration (M.S., L.S.), Hertie Institute for Clinical Brain Research and Center of Neurology, Tübingen; Institute of Medical Psychology and Behavioral Neurobiology (D.B.), MEG Center, University Tübingen; and Therapy Centre (S.B.), Center of Neurology, University Clinic Tübingen, Germany.

Keywords: cerebellum, motor control, motor learning, physiotherapeutic training, cerebellar degeneration,  clinical ataxia rating scales, individual goal attainment scores, quantitative movement analysis, gait like velocity, lateral sway, intralimb coordination, standard of care, Berg balance score, goal attainment score, ICARS, international cooperative ataxia rating scale, SARA, scale for the assessment and rating of ataxia.