Thursday, December 10, 2009

The ins and outs of mitochondrial iron-loading: the metabolic defect in Friedreich's ataxia.

J Mol Med. 2009 Dec 9.

Richardson DR, Huang ML, Whitnall M, Becker EM, Ponka P, Suryo Rahmanto Y.

Iron Metabolism and Chelation Program, Department of Pathology and Bosch Institute, Blackburn Building (D06), University of Sydney, Sydney, NSW, 2006, Australia,

Keywords: Friedreich's ataxia, cardio- and neurodegenerative disease, frataxin, mitochondrial iron-overload, transferrin receptor-1 upregulation, ferritin, ferroportin1, mitoferrin2, iron-sulfur cluster (ISC), mitochondrial ferritin, compensatory alterations.

Altered gene expression and DNA damage in peripheral blood cells from Friedreich's ataxia patients

Gene Expression Omnibus, Series GSE11204
Experiment type Expression profiling by array, Public on Dec 08, 2009

Keywords: Friedreich's ataxia; frataxin; mitochondrial DNA damage; nuclear DNA damage; genotoxic stress