Tuesday, December 7, 2010

Large-scale in silico modeling of metabolic interactions between cell types in the human brain

Nature Biotechnology, Year published:(2010), DOI: doi:10.1038/nbt.1711

Nathan E Lewis, Gunnar Schramm, Aarash Bordbar, Jan Schellenberger, Michael P Andersen, Jeffrey K Cheng, Nilam Patel, Alex Yee, Randall A Lewis, Roland Eils, Rainer König, Bernhard Ø Palsson.

Keywords: Metabolic interactions, gene expression data, proteomics data, literature-based manual curation, model human metabolism, metabolites, interstitial fluid, models of brain energy metabolism, astrocytes, Alzheimer's disease, regions of the brain.

Simplest explanation: Metabolism Models May Explain Why Alzheimer's Disease Kills Some Neuron Types First (ScienceDaily (Dec. 6, 2010)