Pierre-Gilles Henry, James Joers, Dinesh Deelchand, Diane Hutter, and Christophe Lenglet; International Society for Magnetic Resonance in Medicine, (Abstract #3730) 16-21 June 2018
We report 12-month and 24-month longitudinal diffusion tensor imaging (DTI) data in the brain of subjects with Friedreich’s ataxia (FRDA). Significant longitudinal changes were observed in several brain areas (including the corpus callosum, internal capsule and superior corona radiata) in a group of 13 patients over 24 months. Our data suggest that diffusion MRI of the brain could be useful to better understand the impact of FRDA on brain microstructure and connectivity, and to assess the effect of potential treatments on neurodegeneration in upcoming clinical trials in FRDA.
Longitudinal Diffusion Tensor Imaging in the brain in Friedreich’s Ataxia: follow-up at 12 and 24 months