Sunday, March 3, 2019

Structure of the human frataxin-bound iron-sulfur cluster assembly complex provides insight into its activation mechanism

Nicholas G Fox, Xiaodi Yu, Xidong Feng, Henry J Bailey, Alain Martelli, Joseph F. Nabhan, Claire Strain-Damerell, Christine Bulawa, Wyatt W. Yue, Seungil Han; bioRxiv 561795; doi:10.1101/561795

Our structure sheds light on how FXN facilitates ISC production through unlocking the zinc inhibition and stabilizing key loop conformations of NFS1 and ISCU at the protein-protein interfaces, and offers an explanation of how FRDA clinical mutations affect complex formation and FXN activation.

Structure of the human frataxin-bound iron-sulfur cluster assembly complex provides insight into its activation mechanism