Saturday, January 25, 2020

Modeling cardiac dysfunction of Friedreich's ataxia using ventricular sheets, tissues and chambers engineered from human pluripotent stem cells

Andy O.-T. Wong, Deborah K. Lieu, Gabriel K. Wong, Bimal Gurung, Wan Wai Tse, Kevin D. Costa, Camie W. Chan, Joseph D. Nabhan, Ronald A. Li; Journal of Pharmacological and Toxicological Methods, Volume 99, 2019, 106595, doi:10.1016/j.vascn.2019.05.175.

We conclude that these humanbased FRDA models provide a biomimetic platform suitable to facilitate the studies of disease pathogenesis and pharmaceutical testing.

Modeling cardiac dysfunction of Friedreich's ataxia using ventricular sheets, tissues and chambers engineered from human pluripotent stem cells