Thursday, May 2, 2024

Calcitriol Treatment Is Safe and Increases Frataxin Levels in Friedreich Ataxia Patients

Alemany-Perna, B., Tamarit, J., Cabiscol, E., Delaspre, F., Miguela, A., Huertas-Pons, J.M., Quiroga-Varela, A., Merchan Ruiz, M., López Domínguez, D., Ramió i Torrentà, L., Genís, D. and Ros, J. (2024), Calcitriol Treatment Is Safe and Increases Frataxin Levels in Friedreich Ataxia Patients. Mov Disord. doi:10.1002/mds.29808 

Although the patients did not experience any observable neurological improvement, there was a statistically significant increase in frataxin levels from initial values, 5.5 to 7.0 pg/μg after 12 months. Differences in frataxin levels referred to total protein levels were observed among sex- and age-matched controls (18.1 pg/μg), relative controls (10.1 pg/μg), and FRDA patients (5.7 pg/μg). The treatment was well tolerated by most patients, and only some of them experienced minor adverse effects at the beginning of the trial. 
Calcitriol dosage used (0.25 mcg/24 h) is safe for FRDA patients, and it increases frataxin levels. We cannot rule out that higher doses administered longer could yield neurological benefits.