Saturday, March 2, 2013

Abnormal body iron distribution and erythropoiesis in a novel mouse model with inducible gain of iron regulatory protein (IRP)-1 function

Abnormal body iron distribution and erythropoiesis in a novel mouse model with inducible gain of iron regulatory protein (IRP)-1 function. D. Casarrubea, L. Viatte, T. Hallas, A. Vasanthakumar, R. S. Eisenstein, K. Schümann, M. W. Hentze, B. Galy. Journal of Molecular Medicine; March 2013, DOI 10.1007/s00109-013-1008-2.


Inappropriately high IRP1 activity causes disturbed body iron distribution and erythropoiesis. This new mouse model further highlights the importance of appropriate IRP regulation in central organs of iron metabolism. Moreover, it opens novel avenues to study diseases associated with abnormally high IRP1 activity, such as Parkinson’s disease or Friedreich’s ataxia.