Friday, August 23, 2024

NAD+ precursors prolong survival and improve cardiac phenotypes in a mouse model of Friedreich’s Ataxia

NAD+ precursors prolong survival and improve cardiac phenotypes in a mouse model of Friedreich’s Ataxia, Caroline E. Perry, … , David R. Lynch, Joseph A. Baur. Published August 22, 2024, Citation Information: JCI Insight. 2024;9(16):e177152. doi:10.1172/jci.insight.177152. 

Administering nicotinamide mononucleotide or riboside to shFxn mice increases survival, modestly improves cardiac hypertrophy, and limits increases in ejection fraction. Mechanistically, most of the transcriptional and metabolic changes induced by frataxin knockdown are insensitive to NAD+ precursor administration, but glutathione levels are increased, suggesting improved antioxidant capacity. Overall, our findings indicate that NAD+ precursors are modestly cardioprotective in this model of FRDA and warrant further investigation.