Friday, January 3, 2020

Longitudinal Increases in Cerebral Brain Activation During Working Memory Performance in Friedreich Ataxia: 24-Month Data from IMAGE-FRDA

Rosita Shishegar, Ian H. Harding, Louise A. Corben, Martin B. Delatycki, Elsdon Storey, Gary F. Egan, Nellie Georgiou-Karistianis; Cerebellum (2020). doi:10.1007/s12311-019-01094-6

These findings provide the first evidence of increased longitudinal activation over time in the cerebral cortex in FRDA, compared with controls, despite comparable working memory performance. This finding represents a possible compensatory response in the ventral attention network to help sustain working memory performance in individuals with FRDA.

Longitudinal Increases in Cerebral Brain Activation During Working Memory Performance in Friedreich Ataxia: 24-Month Data from IMAGE-FRDA